Fox Valley Soccer Club POWER
The staff of FVSC POWER believes the better the soccer education a parent and player have the greater the ease of success. Every person, regardless of age, wants to know what they can expect from a school course, a job, or a community program. We believe success is a by-product of the proper teachers/coaches educating players/parents on the progression of the dynamics of soccer as well as an expectation of what each soccer season brings (year in and year out). Additionally, we believe the core of soccer success is found in applying the "POWER Principles".
FVSC POWER has developed a coaching concept that is a win-win situation for player and parent alike.
A U8 to U10 player will receive a coach with an E certification complemented by either a trainer with multiple years of club soccer experience (through the high school level) or collegiate experience. *There will be the occasional exception for this age group having a trainer with professional experience.
The E certified coach will stay with the same team for a period of two to three years. This results in a more developed player with a better foundational understanding of his/her abilities and the game of soccer.
A U11 to U13 player will receive a coach with an E certification or higher complemented by a trainer with collegiate experience. *There will be the occasional exception of this age group having a trainer with professional experience.
The E or higher certified coach will stay with the same team for a period of two to three years. This results in not only a more developed player but a player who understands soccer tactics (the basic principles of defense, defensive roles, attacking roles, etc.) and comprehensive teamwork.